2Mediate Services

Stage 1: Individual meetings with each party

Each Individual session will last approximately 45mins

£100 per person.

This is an opportunity to discuss issues one to one and explore whether a joint meeting could provide effective solutions.

Stage 2: Joint Meeting

We plan for 1.5 hour sessions

£160 per person per session

For property and Finance cases, the first session is £250 per person to cover the additional administration preparing disclosure documents.

Within a safe environment and clearly set out ground rules, an amicable solution can be found.

Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation:

E: Teresa@2mediate.co.uk
T: 07847 434921

What to Expect

Mediators are impartial – we are purely here to help with the process.

It is an opportunity to be listened to and help resolve difficult situations. Ultimately this will result in your solution which is why it has such a high success rate.

A mediated agreement is not legally binding so we can produce:

  • Open statement of Financial Information and

  • Memorandum of Understanding in preparation for your solicitor at a pre-arranged additional cost.

How to Prepare

This is your chance to resolve an ongoing issue. Consider how you would like to see this resolved. What kind  of solutions would work for you. How you would like things to change?

To get the most out of the joint meeting prepare for what the other party may say. Consider requests and offers for resolution.

The joint meeting takes place in a neutral venue with ground rules in place and a chance to focus on the future. You will have an experienced trained mediator facilitating any agreements.